
OMPO / European Institute for the Management of Wild Birds and their Habitats, is an international non-governmental scientific organization whose objectives are to study and contribute to the knowledge of migratory Palearctic birds throughout their range in Eurasia-Africa while ensuring opportunities for their management and sustainable use.

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75017 Paris - France
Tel +33 (0)1 44 01 05 10
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Les bécassines en Lituanie Print
Svazas S., V. Jusys, L. Raudonikis and R. Zydelis (2001). Les bécassines (Gallinago gallinago, Gallinago media, Lymnocryptes minimus) en Lituanie. Publication d’OMPO et de l’Institut d’écologie de Lituanie. Vilnius, 82 pp. (versions anglaise 5 €)